This is the map of the roads around my home.
In spite of the road blocks in place, people drive or ride their vehicles up to the point marked X. Then they think that they can take the road to the right to reach another road. The workers and other people on the road tell these riders/drivers that this is a "dead end road", to no avail. People go to the end of the road, see that there is no way out and then turn around with great difficulty and then go back. This has been happening for days now.
It amazes me that people want to find out the truth for themselves.
I also wish that they display the same spirit of inquiry to other matters. Apparently many do not.
Recently in a newspaper published readers' questions and the answers given by dual Sri Ravi Shankar.
The Question: Why do we get angry.
2XSri RS: Because we are perfectionists and we get angry when we do not get perfection in actions. Actions can never be 100% perfect. They can only be 95% perfect. 100% perfection can be achieved in only thought and speech.
I have tried to reproduce the above Q&A as accurately as possible. I tried to get the original but failed.
My wish is that the readers ask some simple questions of themselves.
- What is the measure of this perfection?
- Why is only 95% perfection is possible. Is 2XSri grabbing the number out of thin air as another guru used to grab branded watches out of the same source? Or is there a basis for that number?
- What IS perfection in speech? And thought?
- How does one measure it?
- Have we ever encountered an instance of perfect speech or perfect thought?
- Is that the only or even the true cause of our anger?
- Does the above theory help one overcome anger?
I wish the readers of his Q&A exhibit the same spirit of inquiry that many exhibit with the blocked road and the dead end road!